Namasté, I’m Addison!
Expansion Coach, Expert Author, Tantric Practioner (plus a few other coaching certifications)…
Master’s In Counseling , Orgasmic Meditation Trained, Author, Reiki & holistic Practitioner, Ordained Minister, Body-Image Expert, and have a Master’s in Counseling
…. which all basically just means I adore books and learning!
What I really want you to know about me is:
I am a Sexual Goddess, an Orgasm Scholar, a Lover of Life, and a Spiritual Seeker!
One of the first things I learned about myself growing up was that I LOVE helping people, I see their unique beauty, and enjoy sharing my gifts in a loving way. Hence why I feel aligned with the term Namasté. I work to see the divine light in each person I meet since everyone has a story to tell and a message to share.
From a young age I was very curious about sex and found the topic fascinating. I can remember being a pre-teen and laying under the blankets with a friend looking up naughty things in the dictionary and afternoons spent playing doctor with my boy-friend at the time! I loved to explore and wanted to know more about the pleasurable feelings my body could provide.
Though it did not take me long to shut down my sexuality based on my Catholic upbringing, childhood sexual abuse, rape, an eating disorder and extreme internalized sexual shame. With the help of a few beautiful souls I was able to step into my sex, my truth, and my life!
I stand here on the shoulders of Giants (my friends, tantra teachers, and spiritual gurus)!
At 34 years old I can say I am living an amazing life filled with love, adventure, and connection to not only others but my body, my spirit, and my sex! I strive to be an authentic and honest soul that comes first and foremost from a place of love. Although I love to laugh I find it humbling when someone lets me into their inner world, allows me to hold space for them, and get to have deep meaningful conversation with individuals. I am Raw, Passionate, and Honest about the topic of SEX. With over 10 years of skills and knowledge in the field there is nothing that you are going to say that will shock me. I am both serious and playful in and out of sessions!
I will push you! I will challenge you… but even more so I hope to inspire you! And I promise to love you along the journey!
“A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency.
A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing, and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost.
And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, no threat of failure, no punishment.”
~ Jeff Foster
I truly believe that YOU can have an Orgasmic, Mind-blowing, Juicy Life if you want it!
Featured/Published on:
Elephant Journal, Rebelle Society, Thought Catalog, Vitality Link,, Ezine
Radio – “Owning Our Sexuality” w/ Dr. Michael Harris