When was the last time you actually took the time to truly say thank you
Not a crap, off the cuff, unfeeling thank you
But really took the time and energy to notice
The little things
The big things
The love
The concern
And everything in between
Your lack of appreciation outwards is a reflection of your appreciation inwards
You don’t appreciate the little things within yourself and so how could you ever truly appreciate the little things within another.
You don’t have gratitude for your own efforts and so you blow by all the efforts of others
Not seeing them or instead minimizing, diminishing, or turning them sinister
You smother the love that you so crave because you don’t slow down enough to appreciate and truly see it being offered. Instead you hyper-focus on the type of love you want and it’s scarcity. Giving a big F U to those holding out their hands in offering. Missing what truly is present
You smother the love for yourself because you don’t slow down enough to appreciate self. Instead your beat yourself down. And without realizing it you beat down those around you as well. You take back your love. You second-guess. You close down. A closed down heart is an ungrateful heart. An unappreciative heart. A heart that has lost it’s connection with self.
And in this closing down you close down your sight for the beauty and the gifts. This beauty and gifts are straight from God… and you spit on them!
You can turn this around. You can revel in the offerings of other, of self, and of God.
God wants us to appreciate. In true HEARTFELT (key word!!!) appreciation God rains more blessings down upon us.
More love
More abundance
More blessings
When was the last time you looked yourself in the eyes and said, ‘thank you’. Thank you for being you. Thank you for waking up each morning and striving to grow. Thank you for falling down in order to get back up stronger. Thank you for seeing your shit!
And when was the last time you saw the efforts of another and just stopped. Stopped and said a true thank you. Told that person that they do matter and let them feel seen. Said thank you for another showing you their heart AND their struggle. Thanked another for just being them!
Go out in appreciation today.
Go step into a sense of acknowledgement
Go see the world and much more importantly self with a heart of gratitude.
And step into greater bliss TODAY @ https://addisonbell.net/bliss-coaching/