This morning tears flowed down my cheeks in the tiniest rivers. I was breathing into my heart chakra and I felt an immense grief break loose… and so I let it go.
This morning I belly laughed and let the joyful noise fill my back yard. I watched as my kitten chased the leaves floating in the amazing breeze this fall weather has brought…. and so I let it go.
Holding, holding, holding…
Currently there is so much holding happening as I look around the world, at my clients, at those close to me, and yes within self.
Holding back our emotions for fear they will overwhelm ourselves and others.
Holding our words of things that need spoken both light and dark.
Holding back our love for fear it won’t be received or we ourselves will be hurt.
In a world where a big topic is FREEDOM, we are not allowing ourselves to be free within.
Shutting down the anger and the sadness…
But thus shutting down the joy and the bliss.
See we can not restrict our hearts and energies and yet remain open to experiencing life.
To fully live, we must commit to taking the time and presence with self to feel it all. To feel the extremes of our emotional life.
You will always be too much for some people
You will always be not enough for others
And often these are the same people.
And while it’s important to know the ripples of your actions/words. To be heart conscious of our fellow humans.
Your business is to know your heart, know your intent in your actions, and to fully feel your life.
Otherwise we block and constrict our energies.
We end up with dis-ease and living the half-lived life.
Because to live one must also feel!
Love you all!
Orgasmic Life Coaching guides people to see all of themselves and feel the fires of life.
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