?????Whoa… started to make HUGE Manifesting mistake!!
And I bet you could be too! ?????

I was doing some journaling questions to start kicking my own A** into some alignment in certain areas and began working on a specific question asking me what I wanted at a soul level to feel. I began writing and out came….I don’t want to feel ____ anymore.

?OMFG, did that really just go from my brain…into my hand… and actually get written down with all the other high vibe shit? I literally had to stop and stare at the page in shock that I had allowed such a thing to come out!!!

I just freaking told the Universe that I wanted to feel like shit!!! The Universe doesn’t hear “don’t”, it only hears ….”I want to feel (fill in negative feeling)!!!! Instead it should have been in the affirmative of the glorious, amazing, wonderful, abundance that I want in my life and not what I am trying to AVOID ?

I was totally shocked at making such a rookie mistake but don’t worry… it woke my A** up! It reminded me that it’s easy if we are not careful to fall into old patterns, old vibrations, and also that there are so many people out there that are most likely journaling/thinking in this way.

??Have no fears! I quickly rectified the crazy journaling situation and got back in touch with my ideal picture. ??

But how are you manifesting your world?
Are you allowing yourself to dream big and live like it is NOW?
Or are you getting stuck on how it’s NOT HERE
Or how you DON”T want to feel?


Close your eyes. Imagine the feeling you do want to feel! Now tell God thank you because you can step into that feeling right now. You can pull in what you desire in by getting in that vibe in this moment. You can enjoy your life now and stop waiting for this thing or that thing!

Practice writing daily affirmations and manifestation statements about all the blessings and abundance you are pulling into your life!

Now, I’m off to go finish up my journaling! Happy Manifesting on this Beautiful May Morning!?‍♀️
