Love in our lives isn’t…
a sometimes…
a when…
a condition.
Love is a consistent energy that must be vibrationally met and also connected with on consistent basis throughout our day.
Its an energy that we first must plug into within ourselves and within spirit. We must feel this immensity and allow it to fill our very beings and flow through us.
Flowing through us to those in our lives…
If you are really and truly living from a place of being plugged into true love then…
It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad day
It doesn’t matter if you feel like you’re not receiving in return
It doesn’t matter if you are angry at that other person
It doesn’t matter if you don’t align with the course of actions they are choosing for their lives
It doesn’t matter it you are being showered with gifts and notes
It doesn’t matter if you are overwhelmed with your own life
And if doesn’t matter how menial the task is…
What matters is that you are still sharing yourself with the world from a space of pure love. You don’t have to be making grand gestures but simply pure your whole heart into the gestures you are making to connect with your fellow humans (and God).
Sure we have difficult days and thats when it’s even more essential we dig into that space of a deeper love.
Then there are those days when we feel like love is in abundance.
Yet, in both spaces love can be found…
It just requires us to know that it’s not always fun and true love will test us beyond our perceived limits. Asks us to balance with our other emotions while keeping it at the forefront of our thoughts, energies, and behaviors.
While knowing that it also gives us the most precious gift. A connective string with all around us and with source.
Love is not a sometime, if, when, conditional thing….
Love is an ALWAYS.
You are either tapped in or you have gone astray.
Blessings & Love to you all!
Grab the Fire Within
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Photo Credit DandelionImages