Addison Bell Coaching

Bad Liar

You Are A Liar... and you don't even realize it. Lies, lies, sweet little lies. You don't even see how they flow out of your mouth How you have gotten to a place

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Addison Bell Coaching

Phoenix Rise!

She felt the call to rise from the ashes. As the cycle starts once again and the ashes come together to meld into an ember And that ember then turns into

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Addison Bell Coaching

When the Worlds on Fire

"How how you be so irresponsible and stick your head in the sand?" "Why are you watching the new constantly and lowering your vibe" You should... Work Self-Care Stay positive Stay informed Create community Distance yourself In our current

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Addison Bell Coaching

You Can’t Brew Passion

  Dating all comes down to energy And energy can't be faked! We swipe We click "like" We say "what's up" But no matter how good someone looks online No matter their resume Or their likes and dislikes Their

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