The Darkside of not caring for the feminine woman.

Alright men…
Let me share a thing or two about relationships with a highly feminine woman.

Personally, at my very core I am a highly feminine woman. When filled emotionally and orgasmically my feminine nature radiates and shines. I am creative. I am sexy and playful. I am ravenously hungry not just for sex but also for anything that is juicy in my life. When I’m in this energy and am with a masculine man, I will will melt into a state of hot surrender while also taking on some of the lioness energy.

When a feminine woman is in her orgasmic flow she feels POWERFUL because she is tapped into her strongest resource.

Though a woman that’s natural state is in the feminine requires the opposing masculine energy. A feminine woman that isn’t romanced, sexually filled, energetically filled, able to be playful and creative in an open and free way…

Becomes your biggest living nightmare!

There are a couple of different roads this can take…

The first is that she gets so deeply hungry and starving for her life force energy, that she leaves. She knows what the power feels like and her very core will do anything she needs to do to save herself. She will lie, cheat, cut you down, and be gone. She might not leave physically but there are a million ways women leave relationships long before they are physically gone in a relationship.

The next is that she chooses to die. I don’t mean physically but her partner not stepping into the masculine forces her to bully her own way into the masculine energy. She will not feel safe and protected enough to live in her normal free-flowing powerful space. She will lose that spark you fell in love with and that playful joy in her eyes. She will stop having sex with you or give you obligatory duty sex to appease. Losing her ability to feel you and feel herself. Depressed, robot-like, overly aggressive, and lack of enthusiasm for life. She will become a shell of herself to save the relationship. Some women live like this for a lifetime just to get through while others will have a wake-up and eventually jump over to road #1.

In our fight for equality we’ve also forgotten that not everyone is equal. White-washing a society does not make everyone safer but create more distress in people having their differences. It’s about appreciating, honoring, and loving our differences. And while not every woman needs to desire to be a feminine woman and not every man needs to desire to be a masculine man…

Knowing if you energetically match is essential and with that you must know where you stand on the masculine/feminine energy spectrum at your core.

If you are not a man that desires to take on the full weight of the masculine energy. To lead, to be led into your heart, to be her rock while she’s in her flow and in her flames…

Then step TF away from the divine feminine. This type of relationship will not do you or her any good. To hold a feminine woman but not crush her requires massive amounts of effort on your part, just like the same efforts she will want to put into a true masculine.

We as a society tend to downplay the vast importance of deeply fulfilling sex and how it impacts the core of who we are. The fact is that you never know someone until you’ve seen them thoroughly orgasmically filled, and that doesn’t take just one moment but instead a build-up of energetically penetrating moments. That is when we start to break open into the depth of who we are in our energies because sex shows us our depths in a profound way that nothing else can.

There are so many woman I meet every day in my practice that they’ve never come even close to scratching the surface of that orgasmically filled place and stepping into the true feminine power… many don’t even know if it’s the true place for them. They show up in more masculine energy but down deep they feel a different call.

The feminine energy can be wholly gorgeous and fascinating and yet, it can be cutting like a knife when not fulfilled. A woman that feels like she’s losing herself and her core defining energy will fight like a hurt animal or if she has been cutoff for long enough will just stop fighting.

Now men, it’s not all your responsibility. Woman need to learn to ask for their needs/desires. They need to push through old traumas, hurts, and blockages to their own power.

But if you claim to want this type of woman… then learn to do your work. Step into your divine masculine and not some fake macho energy. Grasp your own power and needs. Touch into your own heart but learn to ‘woo’ hers.

Love, Light, & Blessings,

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