Every morning without fail I find myself with my journal. Right back at desiring, claiming, and manifesting my life.

Its a choice. It’s a choice to get up and after rubbing the sleep from my eyes and having the coffee brewed… to go back to dreaming.

There are mornings that I wold rather roll back over and forget the journaling. There are mornings that I am not feeling high vibe and so wonder if it’s even worth it to step into my journaling practice. But in the end I always find myself with my pen in hand and a fresh crisp page to create my life.

And its ALWAYS worth it!!!

Once I get started on my gratitudes I can feel the positive energy building. I can feel my heart softening and simply my mind beginning to awaken enough to begin claiming my desires.

No matter if I do one page or ten it always fills me with joy and determination. Always gives me focus points for my day and helps me realize the steps that I need to take that day to move closer to the person and things I desire in my life.

But it is a choice.

A choice to get up and not jump straight into my phone, emails, bills, and anything else in my world. Its a choice to put first things first.

I have passion for my dreams. I feel powerful when I am creating and so why wouldn’t I start my morning like this? Why aren’t you starting your morning like this?

Creating. Building. Dreaming.

Why are you waiting until the end of the day when you are drained from everyone else demands. Why are you waiting until your mind has has the time to build up doubts and reawaken all your negative beliefs systems to do your manifestation/creation work? (If you are choosing to do it at all?)

If your dreams and goals are important to you then why the F*CK are you avoiding them?

If you aren’t taking steps daily to move your forward and pull these things into your life then YOU need to THINK….

Are you really committed and how much do you really want these things you claim to desire so much?

Choose to build a morning practice that supports you building and growing your life in whatever way you desire. Doesn’t matter if its sex, relationships, career, finances, etc. You have to get clear on what you want, put an intent out there, and then choose to step into it each and every day.

The mornings are a crucial time in our day and sets us up for how things will progress. Start it out with a BANG!

If you, like me, have a passion for what you are doing and desiring then of course continue with this energy throughout the day and into the evening….

BUT you have to START your day with it too! Focus in each and every morning and see your life expand before your very eyes

Light, Love, & Blessings,


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