I love C*Ck!
I love the soft skin that feels like silk
I love the edges and ridges
I love the way it has a mind of it’s own
I love the responsiveness
I love the taste!
I think they are beautiful and I feel it is my duty to stand here loud and proud and say… I LOVE C*CK!
Why do I feel it’s so important to make such a proclamation?
Because over the last few weeks I’ve watched over and over again as men have shamed their genitals and sex. Shaming a massive piece of who they are as men. Thus changing their confidence with not just their sex but their confidence as a man in today’s society.
I’ve listened to women describe the male genitals in disgusting and offensive ways while not even realizing that if their male partners talked about their genitals in the same way they wouldn’t just be offended but instead PISSED!
A little over a week ago I led a workshop where I listened as each man told the story of their c*ck and the ultimate disconnection that happened. Due to many different life happenings but all leading to shame and a cut off.
Fearing their genitals…
Too big
Too small
Too erect
Not erect enough
Cums too early
Doesn’t cum early enough
Has desires of it’s own
Feels uninspired by anything
When in truth the issue is more these men thinking…
They are too big/small for this world
They aren’t holding their pleasure and/or aren’t experiencing enough pleasure in their lives
They are too much or not enough
They don’t have the connection to get the divine messages their genitals are sharing.
And women have learned throughout the years that men that aren’t connected with their c*cks in a mindful way will use them as weapons. Thus berating them instead of seeing them as beautiful tools of passion and connection. Seeing their man’s c*ck with fear instead of with the potential for surrender and pleasure.
So the other day while laying in bed I felt it necessary to tell my boyfriend in a playful way that I loved his c*ck and I exclaimed my love for the worlds c*cks in general!
Because when I really connect with my man’s c*ck I am reaching a sacred piece of him and get to touch the power of his sex. I get to see, taste, and touch his waves. I get to honor him in a powerful way.
C*cks are beautiful…
And believe me I’ve seen my fair share of every shape and size….
They are still always beautiful!
Sometimes their owners don’t take enough pride in caring for them. Covering up their power and beauty with a lack of hygiene or just minimizing their beauty out of shame.
But every c*ck is beautiful and powerful
Now with great power also comes a chance of abuse of power….
But if that power is directed
Every one has a deep potential for pleasure and to bring about amazing things in this world.
I love c*ck because it is the perfect opposite to my lovely p*ssy and all it needs.
I love that it holds physical healing properties for my body and that when used with love and connection can drop me into my depths.
Plus…. they are just fun!
But with each moment of blame towards the male genitals themselves… the more disconnected they become.
The less power they will reveal.
The less playful.
And the more you knock down the masculine at it’s very core.
So think before disparaging such a power source!
Reawaken Your Sex, Reawaken Your Life
~Recover Your Life~